February Wrap Up/Haul + March TBR

Greetings readers!

It feels like an eternity since I have written a Wrap-up, Haul or TBR post and I realize it has been! That is due to the fact that the past couple of months have been very busy because of school and personal life. Oh, I hate it when real life gets in the way of book life, but I’m back and ready to book it up!

February was oddly a great reading month for me. It was short, but I got a couple good reads in. I have just started a new semester so I have had more free time, however I slowly feel the claws of school pressures and assignments coming back to strangle me…yikes! I read a total of three books in February….I now realize that is not a lot. BUT they were great reads.


Wrap-Up: What did Rendz read in February?

Wires & Nerve by Marissa Meyer

I loved it! It’s the first Iko graphic novel in The Lunar Chronicles, that is set right after Winter and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fun and fabulous, just like Iko. You can read my full review here.

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

My heart is still  broken. It was suspenseful, diverse, heart-stopping and amazing! This series is incredible, if you have not picked it up yet, I definitely recommend it. Full review here.

Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC and review it before the release in late March. This is a great historical fantasy, that I think many people will enjoy. Full review here. 

Haul: What did Rendz buy this month? 

If you did not know I have been on a book buying ban for the past couple of months. Reason being I spent far, far, FAR too much money on books in the fall and I needed to save some dollars!

Did I stay true to my promise?

Kind of.

Okay here is the deal.

I promised not to buy any book until February but I maybe…perhaps ordered books from BookOutlet in mid-January? Maybe?

And I may or may not have spent over $30.

BUT…BUT I got 7 books! 7!

They were many great deals that day!

I got…

The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski (2 paperbacks)

The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski (HB)

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey

The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Adhieh

A really cool haul, although I’ve read some of them, teehee.

Then I won two giveaways WHAT?!?

I got…

Frost Blood by Elly Blake

Poison’s Kiss by Breeana Shields

Both are signed *cries*


Bonus: I went to an author signing for Veronica Roth  as a  reserved guest I got Carve the Mark for free! You can read all about my experience  here. *It’s embarrassing and I encourage you to go laugh with me!*

OKAY..then I took a trip to Indigo and bought:

Wires & Nerve by Marissa Meyer and Caraval by Stephanie Garber. Two of my most anticipated reads!

ca  wiresandnerve

Okay that is it for the haul. I know…it’s a lot..and I may or may not be on another book buying ban.


TBR: What will Rendz read in March?

I have lots of reading planned for this month. I am probably too ambitious with the amount so I might not finish, but I at least want to try.

I need to finish:

Heartless by Marissa Meyer

The Enemy Within by Scott Burn

Then I need to read:

Black Dawn by Mallory McCartney

Melody’s Key by Dallas Coryell

The Midnight Star by Marie Lu

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi


That’s all for me this month. It seems pretty hectic considering I have so much reading material to get through. Hopefully I can do it. I really want to reread The Lunar Chronicles and read Caraval before spoilers start coming out! (These desires all sparked from a recent conversation I had with Mandy from Book Princess Reviews…so I have her to thank for rearranging my reading priorities 😉 )

Let me know what you are reading this month. Or tell me your favourite February read!

Happy reading!

~ Rendz



15 thoughts on “February Wrap Up/Haul + March TBR

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  1. Oooooooh the poisons kiss looked so good, so I can’t wait to see your thoughts! And them being signed? So much epic ness. And I totally thought you had read Heartless, so now I’m pumped to see your review (apparently not again, bad Mandy). Great post and wrap up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My review for Heartless probably won’t be up for a while for *reasons* that I’ll write all about when I actually write the review. You’ll laugh at me when I reveal why it took me a while to review it, trust me 😅 Poisons kiss does look good and I hope to get to it soon. And I may or may not be working on a “signed book” post 😉


    1. EMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so epic! Best pick! Omg I would freeze if I ever met an author as well, I probably would just smile dumbly and stare! Even if I invited them to lunch I wouldn’t know what to say 😂


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