The No Disclaimers Book Tag

Greetings readers!

Hello there, hi! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Haha. Yes, these days have been *busy* for me. I know I said July would be a month of catching up on blogging and reviews, but I promise I will say more on that in a wrap up that is forth coming.

I am doing great, I have just lost track of time per se. Nonetheless, I figured I’d ease my way back into the bloggoverse with a fun tag! I was tagged by the incredible Michaela @ Journey into Books! Many thanks to her and this is your reminder to check out her blog (it is fantastic!)

Alright, no disclaimers only honest answers…Here we go!

Which trope(s) in books annoys you the most?

I am not a fan of love triangles! I get that they can be realistic-ish (because humans are messy), but I hate being on the losing side (which happens often) so I prefer if romances are just clear from the start but with lots of drama hehe.

Archie Andrews Love GIF by Archie Comics

Which writer(s) do you feel is overrated/overhyped?

Sarah J. Maas. I’ll be brief: I think she can write entertaining books, but I don’t like how she treats her characters of colour and in the end the plots weren’t very memorable for me.

Jay Kristoff. I’m not a big fan of his writing style and I’m not super interested in his newer works…so yeah.

Drama Club No GIF by Nickelodeon

What are your least favorite books you’ve read since joining BookTube blogging?

Oh gosh, well certainly the final books of Throne of Glass, 99% Mine is awful imo, but I think The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting takes the cake. I hated that book! To this day I still think about how I hated it so much XD

The Good Luck Charm

What is a terrible ending that ruined an otherwise quality book?

The ending to Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes was just not it…

It wasn’t a terrible ending, but this whole series was top quality and then this final book was just so lackluster! My disappointment was real.

Immortal Reign (Falling Kingdoms, #6)

Which fictional character(s) do you wish was not killed off?

As much as I loved Jade City by Fonda Lee, I feel like if this *one* character had not been killed off we still could have had so much drama, suspense and action. Like maybe they could have gone missing or faked their death teehee but yeah I wish we could bring this one back.

Jade City (The Green Bone Saga, #1)

What are some of your bookish pet peeves?

Saying that listening to an audiobook or reading a graphic novel is not “real” reading. You can kindly exit the premises if you believe that, I will not have people trying to police what is and what isn’t reading around me.

GIF by Amazon Prime Video

What are some books you feel should have more recognition?

The Chronicles of a Bitch Queen by K.S. Villoso needs your attention now! If you are a fantasy reader, you need to read these now. This character-driven fantasy is phenomenal. There is deception, betrayal, action and dragons plus so so so much more! The fact that these books have been slept on enrages me!! So read it, please!

Q: Name that series finale that will also spell your end.

THE DRAGON OF JIN-SAYENG will be the end of me and I cannot wait to be obliterated by it ✌️.

Its no secret that I like emotionally destructive and stress-inducing reads. And this whole series has been a wonderfully stressful and destructive experience AND I LIKE IT LIKE THAT.

What can I say? Theres just some extra special about having a book make you feel scared, frustrated, sad and anxious while also being the *best* thing happening in your life at the moment.

Its a sweet kind of pain that I live for in my reads 😂 Maybe you agree, maybe you disagree and are seriously concerned for the well being, but I am who I am 😌😌😌

If you havent picked up this series yet, I HIGHLY recommend doing so! Here are some things to look forward to:
⚔ Filipino-inspired world
⚔ Messy and complex characters
⚔ Revenge and quest narratives
⚔ Political intrigue
⚔ Emotional destruction (oh but you knew this already 😉)

Shout out your favourite emotionally destructive reads, Im always looking for more!

[ID: The Wolf of Oren-Yaro, The Ikessar Falcon and The Dragon of Jin-Sayeng laying diagonally on a fluffy white background]

#TheDragonOfJinSayeng #TheWolfofOrenYaro #TheIkessarFalcon #KSVilloso #TheChroniclesofaBitchQueen  #HailTheBitchQueen #fantasy #adultfantasy #bookstagram #igbooks #igreads #fiction #mustreads #booklover #bookish #bookishphotography #greatreads #reading #bookishcanadians #bookish #newbooks #seriesfinale #emotionalreads

What are your thoughts on censorship and banning books?

I don’t think anything good comes out of either and it often makes me question who has the authority to ban/censor books these days, when historically these tactics have been used to silence voices of those being oppressed and/or marginalized. So yeah, miss me with those.

I tag…

Anyone who feels up to the challenge (Yes, I am lazy right now hehe)

Let me know what you think! What are your opinions on these prompts? What is one bookish opinion you will never back down from?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz

Sunshine Blogger Award | The sun is shining, so I shine as well

Greetings readers!

I was tagged by the amazing Michaela @ Journey Into Books to do this fun tag and answer her excellent questions. I must confess that…I have been tagged to do this award many times but have lost count so I’m sorry to those I’ve missed, but I am starting anew.


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to there post.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you.
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers and ask 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and showcase the logo in your post.

Michaela’s Questions

1. What was your last 5 star read and why?

The Dragon of Jin-Sayeng by K.S. Villoso
An absolutely incredible finale to what is one of my favourite series ever. I cannot recommend it enough! This book was a rollercoaster of emotions. Screaming, crying, laughing and my total destruction. I love it.

2. Recommend a book for each season?

Spring: The Penderwicks series by Jeanne Birdsall (So cozy and warm, total new life vibes)
Summer: Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet by Laekan Zea Kemp (Hot and sweaty and MARVELOUS)
Fall: The Bitch Queen Chronicles by K.S. Villoso (So much chaos, so much emotional destruction)
Winter: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (A chilling and thrilling horror novel)

3. If you weren’t a reader what do you think you would spend your time doing instead?

I’d probably spend my days doing more art! Even though I get a lot of my artistic inspiration from books, without reading I would definitely spend more time actually making art and refining my skills hehe.

Fan art for The Wolf of Oren-Yaro

4. What book would you love to see turned into a movie or tv show?

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir!!
This needs to be done and it needs to be done NOW! I want this on screen so bad!!

5. Which fictional character would you want to travel the world with?

Nikolai Lanstov. My suave king knows how to have a good time and I want to have a good time with him everywhere!

6. Most anticipated release for this year?

Velvet was the Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia!
This is an obvious one if you know me! I love everything SMG and I am so lucky to already have an ARC of this book! It comes out in August so have your eyes peeled for it!

Velvet Was the Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

7. Why did you decide to start blogging?

I attended a bookish event held by Canada’s biggest book retailer, Indigo, where we basically talked all things books! I met so many bloggers, got some ARCs a stuffed swag pack and well I just knew I wanted to be part of this beyond that night. I started up my blog a few days later and well it’s been a journey ever since!

8. What is your favourite thing about blogging.

I love getting to express myself as a total bookworm! I know there are lots of platforms where I can do that, but on this blog that I created, it just feels extra special! There is no limit to how much or how little I can write! I can add all sorts of fun images, videos and clips. It’s just a space that is so near and dear to my heart and the very first place that published my voice!

9. Is there a specific book or series that made you fall in love with reading?

Hmmm…I would say The Hunger Games, but I think more likely it was Marie Lu’s Legend series. It was the first series I picked up of my own volition (not because it was becoming a movie) and I loved it!! It was the first series that I became obsessed with and am still obsessed with today!

10. Favourite fictional pairing? (Romantic or Platonic)

Oh wow this is such a hard question to answer!!!!!!

But you know what? Cresswell (Cress x Thorne) still owns my heart.

11. What book do you planning on reading next?

I’m in the middle of three reads right now, but I’m planning on picking up The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri next! So excited for this next glorious adult fantasy!

The Jasmine Throne (Burning Kingdoms, #1)

My Questions:

  1. What is your favourite book trope?
  2. Which book brings you the most comfort?
  3. Spill the tea, what is one book you will *never* be picking up?
  4. What song do you associate with a certain book?
  5. Who are your favourite authors?
  6. Which book character would you want to trade lives with?
  7. What is the first book you remember reading?
  8. How often do you buy/borrow books?
  9. During what time of the day do you like to read?
  10. What is one non-bookish fun fact about you?
  11. What is your star prediction for your current read?

I tag:

Hehe…I won’t be nominating 11 people, but some bloggers I have loved as of late. As usual there is no pressure to do this and if I didn’t nominate you, you are more than welcome to answer my questions!

Gaby @ Living in Libros

Angele @ A Dominique Reads

That’s it for me folks! Let me know what you think! What would be your answers to some of these questions?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz

Goodreads Was Wrong Book Tag

Greetings readers!

Today, I figured we’d have some fun and do a good ol’ tag to spice up the blog. And why not do a tag about a booklover’s greatest frenemy, Goodreads. Goodreads has been a hot topic as of late, while it may be a great site for readers, it also has its problems hehe. I for one have been slowly moving away from GR to use other book platforms to track my reading (StoryGraph!). But for the sake of this tag, I hopped onto to the old, big G and went through my shelves (which need some major editing).

I found this tag on A Dominique Reads! This tag is originally created by GabsAboutBooks! Definitely give both posts a look through, both have such great answers!

What is the highest rated book that you gave a low rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on Average Ratings and find the highest rated book you gave a low rating)

Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas
GR rating: 4.57
My Rating: 2 (should be a 1)

Not surprised. I have not been a fan of this series since book 2, just one big swoop downhill for me. The fact that I endured however many hundreds of pages this book contained is a small miracle. But yeah, this was such a huge no for me.

What is the lowest rated book that you gave a high rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on Avg Ratings, in reverse order, and find the lowest rated book you gave a high rating)

The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi.
GR rating: 3.56
My Rating: 5

I know the rating is not bad, but this was such a beautiful book! The writing, the imagery, the plot. ALL OF IT was spectacular in my eyes and the reasons why I love Roshani’s books so much.

What is the most popular book you disagree with the avg rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on number of Ratings, and find the first book you disagree with the avg rating)

Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4)

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
Number of Ratings: 288,861
GR rating: 4.54
My rating: 3 (It should really be 2)

This book was just *shakes head* torturous for me to read. Again, no surprise. This series just was not for me after book 3 and my ratings reflect that despite it being so popular.

What is the least popular book you disagree with the avg rating? (Sort your books in Goodreads based on number of Ratings, in reverse order, and find the first book you disagree with the avg rating)

A Mark Unwilling (The Reckoning #1)

A Mark Unwilling by Candace Wondrak
Number of Ratings: 126
GR Rating: 3.76
My rating: 1

This book is *shivers* a big nope! A. BIG. NOPE. The characters, the writing style, the plot, the token PoC character no no no.

Choose two books that have an average rating of 3/5 stars but you gave a higher rating

The Matchmaker's List

The Matchmaker’s List by Sonya Lalli
GR rating: 3.34
My Rating: 4

Obsidian Mirror (Chronoptika, #1)

Obsidian Mirror by Catherine Fisher
GR rating: 3.67
My rating: 5

I really enjoyed both of these books! The Matchmaker’s List was funny and intense, but definitely not perfect. Still I laughed a good bunch. As for Obsidian Mirror, it’s a very quiet YA novel, but I enjoyed it so much! I picked it up on a whim from my library and it turned out to be quite entertaining!

Choose two books that have an average rating of 3/5 stars but you gave a lower rating

The Good Luck Charm

The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting
GR rating: 3.59
My Rating: 2 (But it should be 1)

The Wedding Date Disaster

The Wedding Date Disaster by Avery Flynn
GR Rating: 3.75
My rating: 1

Both of these books were technically DNFs but I made it almost to the end…so I’m counting them. These were AWFUL reads for me. I hated almost every second which is why I had to stop. I hated the romance in The Good Luck Charm and it’s a romance book, so yeah. As for The Wedding Date Disaster, it was one disastrous CRINGE-fest. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Choose two books that have an average rating of 4/5 stars but you gave a lower rating

Kingdom of the Wicked (Kingdom of the Wicked, #1)

Kingdom of the Wicked by Keri Maniscalco
GR Rating: 4.01
My Rating: 2

The Sky Weaver (Iskari, #3)

The Sky Weaver by Kristin Cicarreli
GR Rating: 4.10
My Rating: 2

Sigh. These books were highly anticipated but ending up being such let downs. Kingdom of the Wicked was so bland, to put it simply. I expected so much more, but plain, bland and boring is all I got. As for The Sky Weaver, my buddy reader and I both agreed that it did not live up to the vibe and feels of the previous books in the series. Disappointing.

Choose two books that have an average rating of 2/5 stars but you gave a higher rating.

I don’t have any avg 2/5 stars books on my shelves!

Do you tend to agree or disagree with GR average rating and do you use GR as a guide for books you want to read?

It depends. But from my shelves, it seems my ratings tend to match the average ratings. Other times they are way off. I try not to use GR as a guide, usually I just take a quick glance at star raitngs, but mostly I don’t. Unless I’ve heard about some questionable things I tend to go in blind and just give the book a try! 🙂


Anyone! I would love to see what answers you would put in!

Let me know what you think! Do you use Goodreads? Do you follow GR ratings and reviews closely?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz

Get to Know the Fantasy Reader Tag

Greetings readers!

As you all know fantasy is my genre! If I had to pick one genre of books to read for the rest of my days, we all know it would be fantasy no question about it! So when I found this tag on Angele @ A Dominique Reads‘s blog, I knew I really wanted to give my shot at it! The fantasy version of this tag was created by  The Book Pusher.

WHAT IS YOUR FANTASY ORIGIN STORY? (First fantasy novel you read)

I think the first fantasy novel I ever read was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Okay, it was read to me in the sixth grade and I had already been OBSESSED with the movie since the tender age of six…but still it definitely was the first fantasy story in my life.


Oh my…such hard decisions! Well if we’re going for a magical and mythical fantasy I want Silvia Moreno-Garcia to write me as a heroine with rivals to lovers THAT STAY TOGETHER. I just gotta make that note because SMG does have a track record here and there *eyes two of her novels*

Silvia Moreno-Garcia


The Ikessar Falcon by K.S. Villoso! Well, first you would have to read The Wolf of Oren-Yaro…so maybe it would be more relevant to say that I want you all to read The Chronicles of a Bitch Queen! It is a high stakes, character driven epic fantasy set in a world that draws from the author’s Filipino heritage. It is an absolutely brilliant series that I recommend to all fantasy readers!


Favourite subgenre is definitely Portal Fantasy! (Hello Narnia obsession) Any and all books that deal with travelling to a different world instantly grabs at my attention. And even though I haven’t read many (I know, I know) it is a subgenre I absolutely love.

A subgenre I have not read much from is Urban Fantasy. There are lots of UF books out there but there is just something that gives me a pause before I pick them up. I want to give them a better shot, so if you have any recommendations I am all ears!


Sabaa Tahir. K.S. Villoso. Leigh Bardugo. Marie Lu.

Ahh and I’m hoping to lengthen the list with time. I definitely want to add more BIPOC to the list!

HOW DO YOU TYPICALLY FIND FANTASY RECOMMENDATIONS? (Goodreads, YouTube, Podcasts, Instagram, etc.)

I think mainly Instagram! People just have a way of selling books to me with gorgeous pictures and fun captions. I have gotten so many amazing recommendations from my bookstagrammer friends! I also look through the weekly publishing announcements to find out what books I can look forward to!


Oh so, so many!

Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart
The Light of the Midnight Stars by Rena Rossner
The Dragon of Jin Sayeng by K.S. Villoso
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri 

Witches Steeped in Gold (Witches Steeped in Gold, #1)
The Light of the Midnight Stars
The Dragon of Jin-Sayeng (Chronicles of the Bitch Queen, #3)
The Jasmine Throne (Burning Kingdoms, #1)


“Fantasy books are all always way too long and complex.”

There are a lot of long and complex fantasy novels. There are some series that just go on and the worlds get more convoluted as you go. There are some books that are chunky and thick that intimidate even me! Can’t deny that, BUT fantasy books come in all shapes and sizes! Using the excuse that they are all long and complex makes you miss out on all the short and concise fantasy books there are to enjoy! Need some recommendations? Here you go:

*These are all less than 400 pages*

Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (standalone)
The Young Elites by Marie Lu (trilogy)
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi (standalone w/ companion sequel)
Raybearer by Jordan Ifeuko (duology)

Gods of Jade and Shadow
The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1)
The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)
Raybearer (Raybearer, #1)


Ahhh the pressure is on! Okay top 3…here we go!

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown

I’m tagging ANYONE who wants to give this tag a shot!

Ahhh this whole tag has only made me want to drop everything and go read a fantasy novel! I don’t even know which one! But I just want the magic and tension and high stakes of a good book to immerse myself in!

Let me know you think! What kind of fantasy reader do you consider yourself? What is your ultimate favourite fantasy book? What fantasy worlds/stories would you love to visit yourself?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz

Would You Rather Book Tag | Answering the hard questions

Greetings readers!

I’ve been in a creative blog slump as of late because I’ve been busy enjoying my reading and doing other things. Not to mention some big things I’m preparing for a certain celebratory month that is coming up soon (more on that later!)

I found this tag on Kaya @ A Fictional Bookworm’s blog! I had so much fun reading through her answers that I decided to have a go at it myself!

Would you rather only read ebooks or audiobooks?

The Stuck at Home Book Tag | Because we should all mostly be staying at home!

Greetings readers!

These past months have been different for me. It’s hard to talk about because on the one hand staying at home (even though I’m in summer school) has been pretty chill, on the other hand my family and friends have struggled during the pandemic like so many others around the world.  And while restrictions are starting to be lifted here, I will probably continue to stay home and take regular trips to my backyard which I’m lucky to have. But when I do go out, when you go out, please wear a mask. Because unless you’re stuck at home, you should be protecting others and yourself by wearing a mask!

Many thanks to the amazing ladies at Book Princess Reviews for tagging me in this!


  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Answer all the questions down below
  • Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
  • Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag

what are you currently reading?

MEXICAN GOTHIC by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

My pre-order came 27 days late, but it is here now and I am ready to enjoy it!


what’s your favourite “can’t leave the house” activity?

Blogging. Art-ing. Reading. Really I have plenty to do to keep me entertained at home, not to mention school which is less than exciting but still, it keeps me busy.

a book you’ve been meaning to read forever

GEEZ SO MANY. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard.  But most pressing is probably The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi. I really have to read that one, like yesterday!


an intimidating book on your tbr

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

If I don’t love this I’ll be upset! Especially since it stars one of my favourite characters!


top 3 priority books on your tbr

Oh geez what is not a priority to me!

  1. The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
  2. Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles
  3. Don’t Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno

recommend a short book

Pet by Akwaeke Emezi is relatively short. I listened to the audiobook which I think I did in two or three sittings. It was a powerful read as much as it was whimsical and heart-breaking. It’s a thought provoking read that I recommend to everyone!


recommend a long book

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

This book is 536 pages of pure whimsy and wonder! I said it in my review, it’s a bit wacky and out there but it is so so so so good!

Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1)

something you’d love to do while stuck at home

Be more active. I was already a couch potato before the quarantine and I need to make sure I don’t rot while I’m there! It’s time for me to get active!

what do you plan on reading next?

Gosh so many things! I’m planning on getting through a stack of ARCs this August! But if I have to be more specific I’ll probably read Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From next!

I Tag…

Kaya | Genie| Michaela| Tyr| You!

Let me know what you think! What have you been up to this quarantine? Have you read any good books? Discovered a new hobby?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz

Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

Greetings readers!

I would like to thank Blogger Books for tagging me in this! We have finally reached halfway point of this doozy of a year and let’s be honest we’re all hoping that the second half treats us better.

I hope that you are all taking care of yourselves and each other. Considering the quarantine we’re in I was able to get a lot more reading done for which I am grateful so I’m hoping I can take that energy into the second half!

#1 The best book you’ve read so far in 2020?

Gosh such a hard question! I’ll go with my top three though!

  1. The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso
  2. The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu
  3. This Train is Being Held by Ismée Williams

Three completely different works. Three completely different genres. All totally incredible!

#2 Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2020?

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

A Heart So Fierce and Broken (Cursebreakers, #2)
via Goodreads

I haven’t read many sequels this year, but this was one of the better ones! It starred my favourite character from book one so I was very excited to read this one! Thank fully it worked out for me in the end!

#3 New releases you haven’t read but want to?

MEXICAN GOTHIC by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Mexican Gothic
via Goodreads

The only reason I haven’t read this one yet is because my pre-order hasn’t been delivered yet! Please send me some good vibes y’all I need this book to get to me fast!

Others I’m excited for:

We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez
Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova

#4 Most anticipated release for the second half of the year?

A Sky Beyond the Storm by Sabaa Tahir

Skyhunter by Marie Lu

I think my excitement for these books is pretty justified…I mean two of my favourite authors. One conclusion to a series, another a new beginning. I’m getting blessed this winter!

A ​Sky Beyond the Storm (An Ember in the Ashes, #4) Skyhunter (Skyhunter, #1)

#5 Biggest disappointment?

Diamond City by Francesca Flores

It was just not for me unfortunately. I had such high hopes, but the characters really fell flat for me.

The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant

Again, the characters really fell flat for me. I was also really confused for most of the story and I only really got invested in the last 30%.

Diamond City (The City of Diamond and Steel, #1) The Court of Miracles (Court of Miracles, #1)

#6 Biggest surprise?

The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow

I seriously did not know what I was going to get from this portal fantasy and I was swept off my feet my this book! It is whimsical and magical and I wanted more but at the same time the book was perfect the way it was written! I highly recommend!

The Ten Thousand Doors of January

#7 Favorite new author (new to you or debut)?

K.S. Villoso.

I loved The Wolf of Oren-Yaro so much, I proceeded to buy all of her other self-published works set in the same world. I haven’t read any yet — because hello I never get my act together– nevertheless I’m hoping to jump into another book of hers before the sequel to Oren-Yaro!

oren yaro

#8 Newest favorite fictional character?

The Russian from The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

I’m a sucker for a comic relief and this man is a COMIC RELIEF. But he is getting his own book so we cannot help but stan him!

The Bromance Book Club (Bromance Book Club, #1)

#9 A book that made you cry?

The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu

I was going strong and then the end came around and I just got so emotional at the end of it all. I didn’t full on sob, but tears did collect in my eyes. It was a story of sibling love and those always always get to me!


#10 A book that made you happy?

Ghost Squad by Claribel A. Ortega

This book was pure joy! I mean it did have its more sorrowful themes, but in the end it was a story of family and friendship and love. It was adorable and I loved the relationships between the different characters!

Ghost Squad

#11 Favorite book-to-movie adaption you’ve seen this year?

I don’t think I’ve seen a book to movie adaptation this year…

Unless we count the 10000th Narnia re-watch I did.

#12 Favorite post you’ve written this year?

Mood Reading | Super specific environments that make me want to read a certain genre…

Mood Reading

I had a lot of fun thinking about how my mood is affected by the environment I am in. I know I say I’m a mood reader all the time, but this post really made me think about what exactly triggers my moods and how the books I read are related to them!

#13 Most beautiful book you’ve bought or received this year?

I haven’t bought many books, but the cover of The Kingdom of Back always stuns me!


#14 What books do you need to read by the end of 2020?


Mexican Gothic!! But I also need to read my 2020 ARCs like Each of Us a Desert by Mark Oshiro! And on top of that I want to read some of my backlist books on my shelf like the rest of Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s work!

#15 Favorite book community member?

I love all of you! I couldn’t pick a favourite 😉

I won’t be tagging anyone specific because I am too tired, but please feel free to do the tag yourself if you haven’t done so yet!

Let me know what you think! How has the first half of your year been so far? What has been your favourite book? What book are you still looking forward to reading? 

**Link to the master list of how you can help Black Lives Matter movements across the globe**

Happy reading!

~ Rendz


The Hercules Book Tag

Greetings readers!

Last month, Mandy and Sha  from Book Princess Reviews created this splendid tag to celebrate the amazing Disney movie that is Hercules!

With the announcement of the live action of Disney’s Hercules on the way, I couldn’t be more excited to do this tag!! This movie has a great story, yes, but it also has some of the greatest songs! Shower concerts are always pumping when a Hercules song pops in 😉

Zero to Hero – Name a Character That You Didn’t Think Much Of At First But Ended Up a Favorite

Fireborne (The Aurelian Cycle, #1)
via Goodreads

Lee – Fireborne by Rosaria Munda

I didn’t love Lee at the beginning of this story because he was just so golden-boy and some of the stuff he did I just couldn’t get behind. Nevertheless, I really warmed to him in the end. He made some really tough choices and I had to give him credit for them!

The Muses – Name Some Characters/Books/Authors That Inspire You

Characters: Laia of Serra, Cress Darnell, Nina Beaulieu

Books: Gods of Jade and Shadow, The Penderwicks, Empire of Sand

Authors: Sabaa Tahir, Marie Lu, Marissa Meyer

Megara – Name a Character Who Has to Do Morally Complex Things To Save Themselves/Others/World

Untamed Shore
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Viridiana – Untamed Shore by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Oh yess she does some shady things. I mean other characters do even worse things, but I really liked reading about Viridiana getting herself out of some serious trouble that she is lured into. This crime story has lots of morally complex things going on so I definitely recommend picking it up if you’re into that!

Hercules – Character That Goes Through a Huge Change


Maia Tamarin – Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

One transformation is obviously the disguise as the boy to enter the competition and so on, but I feel like Maia goes through a lot in this book. She learns so much and embraces new techniques in the hope of becoming the best. Plus she goes through a rather BIG and DANGEROUS transformation at the end so…

I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) – Name Your Favorite Romance With the Miscommunication Trope

Oh geez, what romance doesn’t have this trope!!! Honestly I don’t love this trope, but if I had to choose one book that I love…

The Wedding Date (The Wedding Date, #1)
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The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

I’m pretty sure this book has miscommunication or rather lack of communication in it. I really enjoyed how the author explored the struggle between the characters though and 10/10 I would read it again!

Hades – Name a Villain That Stole the Show

The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1)
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Adelina Amouteru – The Young Elites by Marie Lu

This trilogy follows the villain origin story of a young girl so of course she steals the show! It is action-packed, magical and heart-wrenching all in one! I love this trilogy and it deserves your love too, especially those of you who love villainous characters.

Go the Distance – A Book World Where You Feel You Would Fit In/Belong 


This one is hard!! I want to say Narnia, but I’m not 100% sure I’d fit in! But let’s be honest I wouldn’t survive in a lot of the fantasy worlds I love, so Narnia would be my best choice. Plus, I must honour little-Rendz’s dreams—so Narnia it is!

I Tag…

Kaya @ A Fictional Bookworm

Nadwa @ Painfully Fictional

Let me know what you think! Are you excited for the Hercules movie? Which Hercules character is your favourite? Which song is your favourite?

*Link to the master list of how you can help Black Lives Matter movements across the globe*

Happy reading!

~ Rendz


Animal Crossing New Horizons Book Tag

Greetings readers!

When I was young, we didn’t have internet in our home. Trust me, I’m not that old, it’s just that my parents didn’t think the internet was essential until my sisters got older and needed it for school and such. That being said, I didn’t play video games growing up. No Nintendo or Wii for me. The most I got was a hand-me down Tamagotchi from my eldest sister.

All this to say that I still am not that into video games and I haven’t played the famous Animal Crossing that has taken over the world.

Am I still doing the tag? Absolutely! Because we are here for books.

Many thanks to the lovely blogger Michaela @ Journey into Books for tagging me!

Past Villager – Who is a character you found when you were younger that still has a place in your heart?

I wasn’t much of a reader as a kid-kid and to say one of the Pevensie siblings would be cheating because I was more into the movies. I guess the first book character that really stuck with me would be Amy Flowers from the Accidentally series by Lisa Papademetriou.

I think it was the fact that she blushed so easily was super relatable to me hahaha

Accidentally Fabulous (Accidentally, #1; Candy Apple #12)
via Goodreads

Blather’s Blatherings – Recommend a historical fiction book that you think everybody should read.


The Sisters of the Winter Wood by Rena Rossner

This is an amazing story set in the early 20th century (possibly late 19th century) that follows the adventures of two sisters. It is infused with Jewish folklore and tradition in the historic context. The writing is gorgeous and the plot is absolutely riveting! I cannot recommend this book enough! READ IT!

Celeste’s Wish – What is a future book release you wish you could read now?

A ​Sky Beyond the Storm (An Ember in the Ashes, #4)
via Goodreads

A Sky Beyond the Storm by Sabaa Tahir

I have waited long and patiently for this book, but given the chance I would read this book right now and tune out the rest of the world just to be destroyed by this book!

Timmy and Tommy – What is your favourite sibling relationship in a book?


The Penderwicks.

I adore my sisters, but is there ever a time I wish we could be more like these siblings? The answer is yes. They are just so loving and messy and funnt. My sisters are as well, but there is just something so quintessentially honourable and endearing about these siblings that I would love to be a part of their family.

The Easter Bunny – A popular book character that you’re not a big fan of.

My oh my what could be my answer….Aelin Galanthinyus or however the hell you spell her name. I hate her.

And her Rowan Whitehorn. Bleh. Trash trash trash.

Nook’s Loans – An author you’d give all your money to.

I would? I already do give my money to the following authors:

Marissa Meyer
Marie Lu
Silvia Moreno-Garcia

I own very large collections for all of these authors and I hope to keep growing them!

The Sisters Able – What is your favourite fictional family (found or otherwise)?


The Rampion Crew!

I love this group of children so much! I think they are the first found family I encountered in my reading journeys and I am still so in love with them! Having recently reread the books, I enjoyed going back and re-falling in love with these personalities.

It’s a C+ – What is a book trope that you don’t like that keeps popping up?

There were golden specks in [their] eyes

I used to be a sucker for this trope, but now it is just plain annoying to me. Especially since this is how authors make brown eyes “sexier.” If there is not that glitter than they’re just plain brown and that is so unfair to the majority brown-eyes population that deserve their eye-colour to be romanticized too without the over-used gold glimmers.

Super obvious secret identities

If the characters are looking for lost royalty obviously the main character is said lost royal!!!!!!!!!! I’m being a little hypocritical here because hello the Lunar Chronicles is exactly that plot for the first book, but still this trope is so obvious can we just not in new books! Or at least make it harder to decipher!!!!!!

The Wedding Camel – What is your favourite book set in a land far away from yours?

oren yaro

The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso is the most recent book I read that is set in a world far different from my own! It is so cutthroat and intriguing at the same time! I loved the world so much and I bought the companion series for the sole joy of re-immersing myself into that world!

What Would Dodos Do? – A fictional land you wish you could fly away to at any moment?


Narnia. No doubt about it. I always tell my family that given the opportunity to go to Narnia, I wouldn’t even hesitate to take the chance. It makes my mom a little sad…but it’s the truth XD

I Tag…

Anyone who is interested in playing! Especially the Animal Crossings fans out there!

Let me know what you think! Have you played Animal Crossing? Do you play a lot of video games? What book would you love to become a video game?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz


Totally Didn’t Book Tag!

Greetings readers!

Many thanks to Blogger Books for tagging me! I feel like throwing a little shade and I guess today is the day to do it!

#1 Totally didn’t need to have a sequel/sequels

Cupid’s Match by Lauren Palphreyman

Cupid's Match
via Goodreads

I haven’t even read the sequel and I’m pretty sure I won’t because this book didn’t need one! It could have just ended without bringing up a new problem and I could have lived a happy life.

#2 Totally didn’t need to have more than one point of view

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns, #1)
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I’m cheating with this one because this technically has many POVs but..look. We could delete Mirabella from this entire book and I would be happy. Thanks.

#3 Totally didn’t need to change cover art through the middle of a series

The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski

Redesign Reactions [4]: The Winner's Trilogy

The top is stunning. Gorgeous and totally Kestrel. The bottom row…nope. They just do not compare.

#4 Totally didn’t need a love triangle

The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye

The Crown's Game (The Crown's Game, #1)
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We really didn’t need the angst in this. I mean, I was on the right side the whole time, but still the drama of it was unnecessary in my opinion!

#5 Totally didn’t need this book to be included in this series.

Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes

Crystal Storm (Falling Kingdoms, #5)
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Ask me what the point of this book was and I won’t be able to tell you. I uh don’t even remember much about it other than the end….It just wasn’t necessary even though it was better than the conclusion, but that’s a whole different story.

#6 Totally didn’t need a cliffhanger

Poison’s Kiss by Breeana Shields

Poison's Kiss (Poison's Kiss, #1)
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I remember not liking this book much and I also remember it having a cliffhanger that made minimal sense and really this book should have stopped after one…

#7 Totally didn’t need to have just one point of view

Woven in Moonlight by Isabel Ibañez

Woven in Moonlight
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I would have loved to add another POV to this book. Um I think it would have made the story a lot more interesting than just following Ximena around the whole time. I guess it would have been difficult to have like a secret POV for El Lobo but a girl can dream.

#8 Totally didn’t need that much hype

Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan

Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy, #1)
via Goodreads

I would very much like to take back by 4 star rating because this book at best is like a 3. I don’t even feel interested in reading the sequel anymore…and like there is still so much buzz around it, but here I am.

#9 Totally didn’t need a relative book reference (e.g. how a Hunger Games fan would love Divergent)

The Beholder (The Beholder, #1)
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The Beholder by Anna Bright was promoted to fans of The Selection and Caraval. I can maybe see the potential The Selection ties…but this book has zero ties with Caraval I think. Um yeah no.

#10 Totally didn’t deserve my time

The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting

The Good Luck Charm
via Goodreads

Trash. That’s all I have to say.


The Throne of Glass series for so many reasons I can’t even list them all.


Anyone who would like to partake! I’ll be honest I’m feeling a little lazy to tag *hides*

Let me know what you think! What are some ‘totally didn’t’ aspects about books you know? 

Happy reading!

~ Rendz


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