The Narnia Tag

Greetings readers!


On one of my WordPress endeavours, I stumbled upon My Bookish Dream’s blog and found the tag I was looking for all my bloggish life. Yes, the Narnia tag. If you didn’t know I live, breathe, dream and think about The Chronicles of Narnia 24/7. It is my favourite fantasy world and has been an obsession of mine since December of 2005. To have found this tag was like finding gold and it was so much fun. Enjoy.

This tag was originally created by Clémence @ Clemi’s Bookish World, be sure to check out her blog as well

*all gifs via all images via Goodreads*

NARNIA – A magical world you would like to visit?




the chronicles of narnia


*see the title of the tag 😉 *

THE MAGICIAN’S NEPHEW – A book you think is underrated?

The Dust Lands series by Moira Young

This series is action packed and the perfect binge read. It has such a cool syntax and an amazing dystopian world!

Blood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1)

THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE – A classic that you love?

Other than The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy M. Montgomery

This is a great story full of love, friendship and humour. If you read this you will fall in love with Anne and search endlessly for a kindred spirit like herself!

anne did a thing
Oh Anne, give yourself some credit!

THE HORSE AND HIS BOY – A book you picked up without knowing what it was about?

Ruling Passion (Drake Chronicles, #1-3)

The Drake Chronicles by Alyxandra Harvey

I read this because my older sister was reading it and it looked cool. *I was judging by the cover shown* I was twelve and I just picked it up after my sister had finished it. Oh, boy. Let me tell you. This is a great vampire series. It was addicting. I couldn’t put it down. I now realize not every scene should be read by a 12 year-old but it was nothing too scandalous. I never finished the series but perhaps someday I will reread them again.

PRINCE CASPIAN – A sequel that you loved?

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

It is the best book in the series to me. It had great action, suspense and romance. It will always be my favourite and no one can change my mind. Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)

THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER – A quest you’d like to be a part of?

ben barnes narnia jei dawn treader

I would love to be part of the Rampion crew. I don’t have any special skills that I could contribute, I just want to be in the same space as Cinder, Kai, Scarlet, Wolf, Cress, Winter, Jacin, Iko and of course THORNE!

THE SILVER CHAIR – A book you didn’t expect to love?

The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski

The covers threw me off….Not that they are ugly, it is that they are incredibly beautiful. Kestrel looks so elegant in all three dresses while holding a sword/knife of some sort. I thought it was going to be cheesy and boring. I was so, so wrong. They are so, so much more. This series is fully of political intrigue, suspense and yes, a romance that will make you swoon. I identified with both main characters a lot and I am planning on rereading them soon!

THE LAST BATTLE – A perfect ending to a series you love?

  1. Winter: It was perfect, heart breaking and the best happily-ever after.
  2. The Winner’s Kiss: Honestly it was perfection. I have no other words but Perfection!
  3. Frost like Night: It will tear you apart and piece you back together slowly. Another fantastic ending.
  4. Crooked Kingdom: Oh the feels……….

Just go and read all these series, please.

THE PEVENSIES – A siblinghood of friendship you’d love to be a part of?

The Penderwicks!

I already have two older sisters of my own, but I would love to be part of the Penderwick family. (Sorry K+M) They are so cute, supportive and loving of one another. They have great bonds and adventures that are hilarious and sad at the same time! Please, just read this series too.

EUSTACE SCRUBB – A character who grew on you?

the incredibles narnia voyage of the dawn treader i hate swimming too

Magnus Damora from The Falling Kingdoms

Confession Time: I hated, abhorred, and detested Magnus in the first two books of the series. He was so whinny, irresponsible and kind of gross with his obsession over his sister. His self-pity was at peak levels and he killed a favourite character of mine. BUT he redeems himself a lot in the next books. He starts to take action and responsibility. He still wallows in self-pity (too much for my liking) but at least he is becoming a better person.

TUMNUS – Your favourite mystical creature?

Dragon! Phoenix! Fairy! All of them really.

CASPIAN – A character with regal qualities?

ex machina

Kai from The Lunar  Chronicles! He is so proper and elegant, but he still fits into the mess that is the Rampion crew!

REEPICHEEP: a loyal character

Chaol Westfall to Dorian Havilliard. The ultimate BrOTP.

THE WARDROBE – Your favourite hideout/place to read?

My room. I get to cuddle with lots of blankets and pillows. Plus I have a nice bookshelf that I can stare at all day long!

I Tag…

Mandy @ Book Princess Reviews

Maya @ Maya Hearts Books


Olga’s Oddish Obsession

Melting Pots and other Calamities 

Nadwa @ Painfully Fictional

Sophie @ Blame the Chocolate

The Book Cover Girls

And anyone else who is Narnian on the inside and would love to have a go at this. *Don’t worry you do not have to have read the books or have seen the movies to answer the questions!*

Personally, I would just love to thank the creator of this tag. It was epic, I loved it and I’m always looking for more Narnia related content! If there are any other Narnians who would love to fangirl with me I am here for you.


I leave you with this gif that basically sums up my emotions about Narnia.

Happy reading!

~ Rendz



44 thoughts on “The Narnia Tag

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  1. Ooh thanks for nominating me! Completely agree on what you said about Crown of Midnight and about the Rampion crew and about THORNE (don’t we always go back to talking about the Captain hahah)

    Loved the post, it’s like this tag was created just for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lol, Rendz. I saw I was tagged for this on my little notifications thingy (does it have a name – IDK but that little bell thing). ANYWAY, I saw the name real fast, and I was like, OMG DOES RENDZ KNOW THIS TAG EXISTS?? OMG I MUST ALERT HER VERY FASTLY…Oh wait, this is Rendz. So I paused myself, ate some nachos, and came over to bask in your Narnian gloriousness. I super agree about Magnus. In the first book, I thought he was problematic as allllll get up, but he’s actually rather growing on me since Book 2. And I realllllllly need to get back to the Winners’ books. I read book 1 forever again, really enjoyed it, but I never picked it back up nor really remember it. I must go back with Rendz’s rec! Fantastic, fantastic post, and I’m so glad you found it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha yes! (the little bell thingy with the orange dot!) I found the tag a while ago but I finally got around to doing it! I hope you enjoyed your nachos and my Narnian glory 😉 I didn’t know you read the falling kingdoms (yay more things to fangirl over!!) Whenever you get back to the winners trilogy let me know, I will be here when they gut you (in the best way possible) My next goal is to find a TLC tag so you know, I can get some extra TLC fangirl points!! I’m so glad you liked it and I hope you have fun with it!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I really did enjoy both quite a bit. XD And I have! Well, I’ve read the first two. I get so weird about them. Like, I enjoy them but I also feel super eh about them? Like, I can’t decide. But I’ve been slowly reading them since October now. They are quite intense! :O Who is your favorite? And yesssss! I most definitely shall! Ooooooh yessssssss. Fangirl points definitely will be doubled for that. :O

        Liked by 1 person

  3. OH GEEZ THE FIRST NARNIA TAG I’VE EVER SEEN. THE FEELS. Bless the witches, lions, and you for this. I’m super duper excited to start typing! Those gifs in the beginning by the way saved my life. I’ve honestly got to start compiling a list everyone else has read but myself. What is a book from here you would recommend lightning quick fast so I can add to my TBR and fangirl obsessively? Thanks again for including me, Rendz!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, gifs are like my favourite thing when I do tags hehe. Ummm, the Winners Trilogy is F A N T A S T I C. If you have not read it you totally should. They are super-fast reads. *was that lightening quick enough?* Or read the dust lands series because those are crazy and intense! WE CAN FANGIRL OVER BOTH!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Picking which gifs to use is so hard though!! I wonder how people do it. I think I’ll add dust lands series before Winners Trilogy😊. We can fangirl over everything!! AND yes seeing how fast that was, it was pretty…TOTALLY impressive.😆👏🏽

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for the nomination! I am so excited to get to do this! I didn’t know this was a thing, but of course, leave it to you to find a tag that is Narnia related. I was just watching Voaye of the Dawn Treader earlier today so it’s fitting. It’s like the world is pushing me to read this series. Also, I am not going to lie, I would love to be part of the Rampion crew. I loved all your answers!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Okay okay I love Narnia so so much! I had the dramatised versions of the books when I was younger, but I have read all of them 🙂 I may do this tag at some point if that’s okay? I just adore books and reading and who’s your favourite character from Narnia?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Go ahead, I would love to see all your answers! I’m always looking for fellow Narnia lovers. My favourite character is tied for Lucy and Aravis. They are both super brave and fun to read about! How about yourself?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I haven’t read this series yet… I’M SO SORRY! Can I still do the tag, though? Is that alright? I really want too! T_T And I’ve watched the movies… So that counts, right? *goes hide in the corner*
    I’m intrigued by The Drake Chronicles. And I totally read books unfit for my age too XD Too many times, actually. I guess at some point I did realize they were too mature for me but ended up not caring and reading them anyway. Some might have been a tad traumatizing, though XD
    Crown of Midnight is my favorite in the series too! It was perfect! From then on it was just… No. Nope.
    And I absolutely thought the same thing about The Winner’s Trilogy! I thought it was some sort of The Selection knock-off. Thankfully, the synopsis won me over and I gave it a try. I ended up loving it so much and learned a valuable lesson on book covers! A lot of people didn’t enjoy the ending but I absolutely loved it as well!
    Finally, Magnus. I was put off by Magnus at the beginning, too. Especially because of the whole Lucia thing. Ew. But then Cleo came along and things changed. I really love him now and they’re basically an OTP.
    Anyway, thank you so much for tagging me! This was such a lovely post and I can’t wait to do it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES YES DO THE TAG! I didn’t read the books until I was older and my whole obsession was based off the movies so there is no shame there. The Drake Chronicles is a great vampire series of you are ever in the mood for one of those. Yay! Someone else who has similar opinions on Throne of Glass 💖 After Heir of Fire I was just not up to it any of it…YES the Winners Trilogy is fantastic!!!! Magnus and Cleo are the best OTP in that series, for sure! I love them together!! I can’t wait to see all your answers!!! Have fun!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I’m not the only one then! Yay XD
        I haven’t been in the mood for vampires but I’m saving it for when I am again hahaha
        I’m also still trying to find it in myself to want to read Empire of Storms… Still nothing. Have you read the whole series so far or have you stopped somewhere?
        Thank you! I’m excited to do this! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I read Queen of Shadows in the summer and it was just 😷 but I realized I should have read The Assassins Blade first…so I’m like in the middle of that. As for Empire of Storms ive been putting it off…but I know I have to read it so I can read my husband’s novel (aka Chaol Westfall) I’ll eventually get to it! Eventually…


        Is it okay if we share him? Because I think we can totally compromise. He deserves better than the mess he got anyway, and I think we're the perfect candidates, in my honest opinion.
        I'm hoping the novel will do him justice. I'm definitely scared, though, because Maas clearly doesn't like him and I'm not sure what she'll do to him in it. So yeah, I'm excited and terrified at the same time. We'll see!
        I've read The Assassin's Blade and either had too many expectations or it was just meh. Some parts were great but on the whole it wasn't awesome, you know? I was expecting awesome.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes we can share him!! I love, love, LOVE CHAOL WESTFALL! Adore him. He doesn’t deserve the dirt and hate he gets…😡. His novel better be epic, HE BETTER BE ON THE COVER!! *I’m framing it* I put down the Assassins blade for a while but I’ve only read the first two stories so I still have time to be wowed or not. Yay, I love it when I find more people who love Chaol ❤️❤️


      5. Me too!!! Chaol is probably my all time favorite book boyfriend and it makes me mad what people say about him. I just don’t think they get him.
        First of all, he was the BEST character in the whole series. He was loyal, caring, devoted, passionate, he had everything! And yes, he was flawed and made some bad calls. That’s what made him real!
        Maas turned him into a completely different person in the last few books, though, and made up some lame *** excuse to make him and Celaena drift apart, all so Rowan could take the wheel. (Ugh, I hate Rowan)
        I could go on and on but I don’t want to turn this into an essay XD Sorry for the rant…
        All in all, I’m just glad we can share the love ❤ ❤ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Yes, yes to all of the above! He is literally the only HUMAN character in the series and they expect him to follow all their opinions! I liked Celaena waaayyyy more than Aelin (even though they are the same person they are not the same) I hate Rowan he is so boring and flat and throughout the entire book he was just trying to keep it! In his pants. I don’t see the appeal. Just the thought of having to read all their scenes makes me 😷😷😷😷😷😷! I could write an essay too…but we shall keep it short and civil! I’m glad we can share this!!

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Hahahaha totally true! Rowan is just a horny alpha fae with too many issues. I’ll probably skip those scenes XD
        I also don’t get the whole “Celaena would always choose him, but Aelin would not” thing. Please spare me -_- Her feelings didn’t change overnight! Maas just didn’t know how to justify her wanting one person one minute and then wanting another in the next without sounding like an awful human being.
        Also, I think Celaena is just trying to be someone she’s not. Just because you find out something about your past that will change your life in a major way, doesn’t mean you have to change your entire personality to fit the person everyone expects you to be. Ugh.
        I kind of just ignore everything that happened after Crown of Midnight, to be honest. I tell my brain everything’s okay and then proceed to go read some fanfiction XD

        Liked by 1 person

  7. This tag is definitely perfect for everyone who adores Narnia, sooo I’m very glad you stumbled upon it! 🙂
    I would love to visit Narnia as well. It’s such a wonderfully magical world that I would love to get lost in. Great tag, I really enjoyed reading through your answers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Greetings, I have loved the Narnia movies for a while and am just now getting to the books (i’m on Prince Caspian right now) If you are looking for some more Narnia content I have one on my blog now and after I finish the series, will have my review/fangirl thoughts. Lovely TAG

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