February Wrap-Up & March TBR | The month in which I broke a very important promise

Greetings readers!

How have you been doing? How has the second month of 2019 been treating you? I feel like I open every one of these posts talking about me, but I’d thought I’d switch it up today.

How are you?



Oh, you’re still here! That’s nice, you actually do want to read about me. *sends massive hugs* WELL LET ME TELL YOU. IT HAS BEEN A MONTH. A SHORT ONE. BUT STILL A MONTH.

It wasn’t all too bad reading wise, but Real-Life Rendz is caught in the middle of storm right now. I shouldn’t even be writing this post right now yet..here I am.


What Rendz Read

4 books.

Wow I umm thought I had a better reading month than this, but I guess not.  I apparently didn’t even remember I had a TBR because literally none of it got done!

Enchantée by Gita Trelease
I actually had a lot of fun with this one. My Full Review


The Case for Jamie by Brittany Cavallaro
This was an emergency pick-up read because I felt like I wasn’t getting anything from my YA fantasy picks. And it was truly a great refresher, I loved it so much. Mini review to come

Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds
Another spontaneous read that was amazing! I even listened to the audiobook, which I think made the whole experience even better. Mini review to come.

The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli
This was a buddy read, with the fabulous Sha @ Book Princess Reviews. I had so much fun reading with Sha, not to mention the book was INCREDIBLE! Full review to come.

The Haul

Remember when I made my 2019 reading goals…? Remember when I said I would relax my requesting game this year so I wouldn’t get stuck with so many ARCs that would eventually go unread? Do you remember that?

Well I’m a liar. Clearly. And went overboard as usual.

Bought Books:

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
The Storm Runner by J.C. Cervantes

Book Mail:

The Beauty of the Moment by Tanaz Bhathena (FC – Penguin Teen CA)
Kingsbane by Claire Legrand (ARC – Raincoast)
Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan (ARC – Raincoast)
The Telsa Legacy by K. K. Perez (Giveaway win – Torteen)
Opposite of Always by Jason A. Reynolds (ARC – HCC Frenzy)
Hello Girls by Britanny Cavallaro and Emily Henry (ARC – HCC Frenzy)
Nocturna by Maya Motayne (ARC – HCC Frenzy) <–My most anticipated read of the spring *cue screaming*


@raincoastbooks is really out there blessing my days with epic book mail such as this.

But are they also out there to ruin me?

Lots of the buzz around these books is about their ability to crush readers' souls.

I am ready to accept the challenge.

KINGSBANE by @clairelegrand comes out May 21st (see my blog for a tour stop some time in May!)
WICKED SAINTS by @glitzandshadows is out April 2nd!

What soul-crushing reads are you excited for?

#kingsbane #furyborn #clairelegrand #wickedsaints #emilyaduncan #bookstagram #reader #books #yafantasy #fantasy #youngadultbooks #bookishcanadians #sourcebooksfire

Featured Posts of the Month

The ARC Book Tag | In Which I Call Myself OUT


The Bookish Feels | Books That Make Me Nostalgic // Ahhh the Good Old Days


Whispers of Shadow & Flame by L. Penelope | COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY (intl)

Save the date _ September 22, 2020

Other Going-Ons

Besides being so incredibly stressed about school…hmm let’s see

The Title for Legend 4 came out and I lost my bejeebers


October 2019 here I come!!!!!!!!!

Who else lost it when the Rebel news came out?

My excitement for this book is incredible. Like... I have been waiting for this for years and we are finally going to get it.

I still can't believe how lucky we are and how amazing @marieluthewriter is for making our dreams come true!

Have you read the Legend trilogy yet? 
#Legend #Prodidy #Champion #Rebel #bookstagram #reader #books #scifi #bookstagram #yabooks #books #bookishcanadians

I won a giveaway and I had to do math!!!

So Torteen holds IG contests all the time and this past month I actually won! So when they contacted me for my deets and told me that because I live in Canada I had to do a math test over the phone I was like !!!!! I DON’T WANT THE BOOK THAT MUCH!

But I did the test. And needless to say it went…well. Awkward, but well. I uhh got stuck on the final question and there was this long pause of me trying to think and the Torteen publicist waiting for my answer.

Thankfully I got them all right and I got the book, The Telsa Legacy by K. K. Perez!

confused math GIF by CBC
via giphy.com

I Attended Frenzy Presents

A little get together of all the local bloggers at the HarperCollins Canada HQ. It was a morning filled of books and talking about how excited we are for some of their spring titles! I might still do a wrap-up post, if I have time later this month, but all you need to know is that it was so much fun and they have so many great books coming!

The Jonas Brothers are back!

Yeah. I won’t lie. Tween Rendz was all over the Jonas Brothers. And she still kinda is. I mean they have some major BOPS. And while I like their new song, this whole week has been filled with me going through all my old favourites and reminiscing about the good ol’ times.

nick jonas we're back GIF by Jonas Brothers
via giphy.com



The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe by Ally Condie (A buddy read with Mandy @ Book Princes Reviews!)
Voices by David Elliot
The Beauty of the Moment by Tanaz Bhathena
*The Telsa Legacy by K. K. Perez
*Opposite of Always by Jason A. Reynolds

It is the first day of mARCh!!! And boy do I have books to read this month! 
These are the books I'm ~probably~ gonna get to...you never know what I might add or take away. 
I like to think of myself as a planned reader, but I am most definitely a mood reader! 
What are you reading this month? What kind of reader are you?

March TBR | #bookishcanadiansmar19 day 1

#thelastvoyageofpoeblythe #thetelsalegacy #oppositeofalways #voices #thebeautyofthemoment #ya #bookstagram #fantasy #contemporary #poetry *let us pretend for my sanity that this flat lay is somewhat straight*

*Subject to change. Then again…this is all subject to change.

Let me know what you think! SERIOUSLY, HOW ARE YOU GUYS THIS MONTH? How was your reading? What was your fave book? What are you looking forward to this March?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz get-reaidng

19 thoughts on “February Wrap-Up & March TBR | The month in which I broke a very important promise

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  1. Great wrap up! You got so many good books in the mail! I’m honestly so jealous. And I’m so excited for Nocturna!! It’s become my most anticipated read of the year so far. Also, I’m totally living for this Jonas Brothers reunion! It’s like I’ve gone back in time and am fangirling all over again. Lastly, good luck with your TBR!! I hope you like The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A MATH TEST????? What evennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. This sounds so sketch. I would fail. Lol, so weird. Glad you won it, though!! I’m so intrigued to see what you think of Opposite of Always and The Tesla Legacy. And, um, Last Voyage. 😉 And omg, “Sucker” was a jam. I’m totally ready for more. Wonderful wrap-up, Rendz! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, a whole math test! XD Thankfully the questions weren’t too hard. XD I’m so excited to get to Opposite, and Tesla better be worth me stressin over math. My sisters and I are listening to Sucker everyday, which just leads to us singing all the classic JoBro goodness

      Liked by 1 person

  3. it’s TESLA RENDZ ur making me so anxiioussss D:

    no book is worth math though, they can just keep it. assume I’m a robot and call it a day. ACTUALLY, the real test should be “hi, will you do a math test to prove you are not a robot?” “okay.” “aha! only a robot would say yes!” >.>

    you may have only read four books in february but one of those books was TLN and that counts for about ten so I think you’re good?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL
      I was here like why is Sha yelling at me about the title???????
      *Goes to check and it is actually Tesla and not Telsa…….*
      The math test was awkward but not too bad, the book better be worth it though!!!!!
      Yes TLN is worth 10 so I shall take it!

      Liked by 1 person

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