Death and Night (ARC) Review

Greetings readers!

So last month I made a great reading decision and picked up The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Choshki. It was an incredible book, with beautiful writing and a story that will leave you breathless and aching for more.

Luckily Roshani blessed us.

She blessed us.

Death and Night by Roshani Chokshi

Death and Night (The Star-Touched Queen #0.5)
via Goodreads

Goodreads Summary

An exclusive Star-Touched novella over 100 pages long!

Before The Star-Touched Queen there was only Death and Night.

He was Lord of Death, cursed never to love. She was Night incarnate, destined to stay alone. After a chance meeting, they wonder if, perhaps, they could be meant for more. But danger crouches in their paths, and the choices they make will set them on a journey that will span lifetimes.

*I was a provided a free e-copy via NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review, thank you so much. *

I first heard about this story before I read The Star-Touched Queen, which kind of spoiled it a little bit for me…not really. This is a prequel novel to TSTQ and it revolves around the love story of the immortals Death and Night. I will try my best to avoid spoilers about The Star-Touched Queen, but it will be difficult just because of who this book is about!

What I Liked


Death: I swooned as soon as he conjured himself a chair and sat on it as it magically appeared under him. I s.w.o.o.n.e.d. This is the thing about Death, despite having to deal with death, heartbreak and sorrow he also dealt with life, creation and choice. He was one of those characters that had yet to discover the good within himself when the rest of the world saw him as evil. He was broody, charming, suave, dedicated and passionate. He grew immensely in this story from learning to look beyond his curse to being compassionate. I loved reading about his transformation.

Night: LOVE HER! Gosh, she was just so amazing. She was independent, caring, imaginative and intelligent. She knew that the world saw her as something to be afraid of but she didn’t let that get to her. Instead she created stories and dreams that filled people with joy. She struggled sometimes with the fact that people found her demonic, but she continued to create anyways. I loved that she was resilient, patient and had a bite! She took no ones BS.

Gupta: BEST CHARACTER EVER! He was hilarious and the perfect side character. I loved him and his lessons in the art of love and flirtation!

The Writing: Once again, Roshani created the most beautiful phrases and passages that I lived for. Her words just elevated the magic and mischief in this story. Not to mention she created the most romantic moods and swoony moments! I think my favourite bit was her description of Night becoming night. Of her dance and transformation. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Her style is flowery yes, but I really enjoyed it. It was interesting, visual and magical. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Roshani Choshki’s writing is magic!

Romance: This is a love story, and I loved every love aspect about it. I swooned in practically every chapter! There were so many cute moments. It was definitely a well paced romance. Neither Death or Night were particularly expecting to find each other but they did. And I shipped it so hard. So hard.

 beauty and the beast swoon swooning GIF

The Declaration of Love: I would post it here, but I think it would be best for you to experience it from the book, where the mood is set and everything! It is just so perfect, I literally died and went to heaven for two seconds.

The World: This goes hand in hand with Roshani’s writing because she made me feel like I was in the Night Baazar! She made me feel the change between day and night. Correction, this world was not just a feeling, it was an experience! An experience of magic, dream fruit, death, night and love. The descriptions created so many amazing visuals in my mind that I was aching to draw and paint. *I’m hoping to very soon actually!* I want to explore the Otherworld so badly!!

What I Disliked

Nada people, it was all love!

Overall, I thought this was the perfect addition to the series. It made so many of the objects and events in the The Star-Touched Queen make sense. It was magical, romantic and out of this world. (In the Otherworld to be precise!) I want more! Is that being greedy? I need more on Death and Night!

Rating: 5 / 5 Stars

Recommend: 100%! But, I would suggest reading The Star-Touched Queen first, followed directly by this!

I cannot wait to get my hands on other works by Roshani! Starting with A Crown of Wishes, followed  by her new series Gilded Wolves which is coming out next year, I believe?  It sounds amazing and I am super excited!

So, have anyone read this yet, what did you think? What are some of your favourite prequels?

Happy reading!

~ Rendz


5 thoughts on “Death and Night (ARC) Review

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  1. I skimmed this review as I didn’t want to be spoiled for The Star-Touched Queen, which I’m still unsure when or if I’ll ever read. But from all the wonderful reviews, yours included, I definitely feel like I have to!
    Thank you for the advice, by the way. I was totally going to read this one first against my better judgement XD
    Another wonderful post, Renz!

    Liked by 1 person

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