The Get to Know Me Tag

Greetings readers!

Ages ago, I was tagged by the lovely Angelica @ The Book Cover Girls to do this tag! Angelica has a really awesome blog (reviews in English and Spanish What???? I know!!! Soo cooool) I think you should all go over and visit, just click the link! Thank you, Angelica!

Alright people, I figured it is a good time to do this tag since my birthday was just under two weeks ago! So why not get to know me a little more, now that I am a year older!

 me point daniel henney GIF

All About Me:

Name: Not Rendz (It’s a pseudonym I creating for the sole purpose of this blog)

Nicknames: Ummm….Rendz (sometimes spelled Rends) XD

Birthday: Earlier in July! I spent it doing nothing, but collected some more funds for books!!

Star Sign: Cancer

Occupation: Right now, I’m a summer-bum. Oh and I blog. Read. Get artsy at times!


Hair Colour: Dark Brown, with a red patch. (It’s literally a patch near my temple and it’s natural!)

Hair length: Half-way down my back (It’s curly-curly so it’s probably longer!)

Eye Colour: Dark brown. Not the intense blue from my grandfather *curses*

Best Feature: Oh geez. The first feature that popped up into my head is not one I want to share over the internet. SO let’s go with skin. I was lucky enough to go through my teens with very few blemishes.

Braces: Never had them. I was lucky enough to have straight enough teeth! They aren’t perfect, but good enough for me. Though I did sleep with a night-guard for a while.

Piercings: Just my ears. And they are not even. My grandmother did them for me when I was a baby, with…ummm…very traditional methods.

Tattoos: No. (My parents would kill me.) But I do want one. I often think about what I would get, but I don’t think I will actually ever do it! 1. Needles freak me out and 2. I’m far to indecisive to come up with a concrete design that will be on my body forever!

Right or Left: Right handed! I suck at writing with my left! I have tried to train myself many, many times.

 confident eyebrow raise ichabod crane the legend of sleepy hollow i look good GIF


Holiday: I’ve never been on a real-real holiday. I’ve only ever gone back home to visit family in El Salvador, which is always fun and my aunts and uncles always take me to cool places. But I have never been a true tourist. I want to be a true tourist!

Best Friend: My first BFF was way back in the first grade. I feel really bad because I don’t remember too much about our time together, but I know we did everything together! She left our school the next year so I moved on to another friend and from then on we added a third person to our trinity. We were inseparable. I really miss those days!

Award: Growing up with two older sisters who had such great achievements in school, put on the pressure. I worked my absolute hardest in school and all the work paid off. I won leadership awards, many academic excellence awards, but my very first award was a Future Ace award for Co-operation. Baby Rendz was really proud of herself!

Sport: You grow up in a Hispanic family, you play soccer. You grow up in a school that holds regular floor hockey tournaments, you play floor hockey. I did both. And loved both! I haven’t played either in years –yeeeaaarrrssss — so if I play now, I would suck more than I did way back when! I did play ice hockey one year for my school. We were the first ever team and boy did we suck. I SUCKED. We scored one goal for the whole season! It was a rough season to say the least! XD

Concert: I would say that it was the Toronto Symphony Orchestra but that wouldn’t be exactly true because it’s not what I would consider a “concert”. However, I will be headed to a REAL concert later this summer! My sisters and I are going to see Daddy Yankee!! *screams*

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TV Shows: Once Upon A Time, Alone, America Ninja Warrior, Face-Off, a lot of “reality” TV (it is an addiction…) and yeah I don’t watch too much TV otherwise.

Colour: I have never had one favourite colour! It depends on my mood, but I usually tell people purple. Or rather Maroon.

Song: Again, I don’t think I have an absolute favourite  but Kelly Clarkson’s “Break Away” will always touch my soul deeply. Also “A Moment Like This”. Kills. Me. Every. Time.

Books: What a long list! Okay…let’s begin! The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lunar Chronicles, The Penderwicks, The Winner’s Trilogy, An Ember in the Ashes, Six of Crows, The Falling Kingdoms and the list goes on!

Shoes: Snuggley slippers. They are the only things I can (sort of) walk in!

 kelly clarkson GIF


Feeling: Slightly overwhelmed and tired. Thinking about the future does that.

Single or Taken: Real life Rendz is single, but Rendz-Rendz has quite a long list of lovers, boyfriends and husbands.*

*They may or may not be fictional.

Eating: Just had lunch. Pollo guïsado. Yum

Thinking about: The future as mentioned. Sometimes school is a stress-maker, even on vacation.

Watching: Nothing. Maybe I’ll watch a Disney movie later, to cheer myself up!

Wearing: Pyjamas!! (And it is the middle of the afternoon here!)

 memories bananas old times pyjamas GIF


(Oh look here we go again!)

Want Children: Yeah, but like not now or anytime soon. (Now if we are talking fictional children, I am a mother of many.)

Want to be married: Yeah! I mean I kind of want the “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage” thing. But again: if we are talking fictionally, I am a wife of many!!!

Careers in mind: I really want to avoid this subject on every level. I am studying to teach languages, is it exactly what I want?I don’t know since I don’t know what I want in life. *If I ever write my books though, I’ll let you know XD*

Where you want to live: Geez, I want to go everywhere! I want to see every place! *Hence the “I wanna be a true tourist!”* But I’ll probably stay in Canada and settle myself in this city or another one, I don’t know!

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Do You Believe In:

God: Yup. I gotta keep the Big Man up to date with real life Rendz’s going-ons.

Miracles: To quote a song from the Prince of Egypt (aka the movie that Rendz is constantly quoting and singing) “There can be miraclessssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!! When you believeeeeeeeeee”

Ghosts: Yes/no. I’m not a true believer, but if put in a dark strange place I will scare myself into thinking there are ghosts!

Aliens: There’s gotta be something else out there guys. We can’t be the only ones!

Soul mates: Yes/no. I don’t know. I would like to think that there is one true person out there for me, but I get scared thinking about it too! Like, what if I accidentally end up picking the wrong person. It’s just scary to think about for me!

Heaven: That’s the goal.

Hell: Really want to avoid this place.

Kissing on the first date: No. Not enough “get to know you” time has passed. Even if the date went super awesome, it’s a no to the smooch for me.

 kiss adam levine adam swerve no kiss GIF

The END! Huzzahh! I hope I entertained you all with these little facts about me!

I Tag…

*Now pressure to re-do this tag*

May @ Forever and Everly

The Book Raven

Books, Coffee & Passion

Readers Rule

I hope you all enjoyed getting to know me a little bit more! It was a very fun tag to do and I hope you all laughed (even just a little bit)! Let me know if we share any common interest as I am always looking to fangirl!!

Happy reading!

~ Rendz


18 thoughts on “The Get to Know Me Tag

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  1. Great post!! I love learning more about people. And Dont worry in pajamas too as I am writing it (It’s almost 1pm where I’m at). It’s also so cool that you’re gonna see Daddy Yankee! I’ve never gone to see a real concert. I hope you have fun!!

    Now I’m hungry and want some pollo guisado.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Pjs are just the best! This is my first ever real concert so I have no clue how it is going to go. I just know that I won’t be doing a lot of sitting and that my voice will probably get messed up from all my screaming and singing!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, I’ve already done this tag but thanks so much for tagging me anyways! Oh I DEFINITELY don’t think Earth is the only inhabited planet! There’s sooooo much out there that we couldn’t even fathom other life. Oh, happy late birthday! YAS YAS YAS AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR IS SO GREAT. XD And I love Kelly Clarkson! Break Away is such a good song.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem! Yes I totally agree!!! It would be quite lonely and sad if it was just us in this grand universe! America Ninja Warrior is my families happiest pass time but also so stressful for us to watch hahaha we get so nervous!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Omigosh, Rendz, I didn’t know we were somewhat of the same person. I mean, I knew it, but I didn’t know it. XD UM, ridiculously late happy birthday!!! And yay for both being cancers! ❤ I died with your best feature thing. XD Hopefully that Disney movie cheered you up, and I hope you aren't feeling quite as glum now. Also, literally the same about ghosts. Totally don't believe, but I'm also convinced they exist anytime I walk buy a dark, creepy place. XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Cancer buds!!!!! Thank you for the birthday wishes ❤ I didn't end up watching a Disney movie because Cress has me cheered up enough 😉 (I think you know why!) And yes, ghosts only exist in dark gloomy places and cemeteries!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thorne and Cress make me smile even when I just think about them! Omg basements! Basements. When I was a kid (and maybe sometimes today) after turning off the lights in the basement baby Rendz would run (Sprint) back up the stairs so that the ghosts wouldn’t catch her 😂😂😂 Basements 🙅🏽

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