Greetings readers!

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via giphy.com

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! Today is an extra special day for us as we are turning 150 years old!!! OMG we are so old….yet still so young!

Anyways, I’m pretty sure all my Canadian bloggers know it’s Canada 150 today, I mean how many commercials and TV specials have there been?!

Today I decided to celebrate and commemorate the wide selection of Canadian literature, specific Young Adult books (because that is what I specialize in!) Within the massive number of American and British authors you have those special little snowflake authors from Canada! They are there and very present! Some are more well-known than others but they all deserve some recognition as fabulous writers!

Alright so let’s get to meeting our authors!

*Note: Some of these authors have several different books published, but I only wrote about specific books that interest me. Click on their names to know more about the other books they have written.*

Canadian YA Authors I Have Read

Morgan Rhodes (a.k.a Michelles Rowan)

I have had the pleasure of meeting her and honestly she is such a fabulous person! He Falling Kingdoms series one of my favourite fantasy series and I cannot wait for the final instalment this fall!


E.K. Johnston 

I have also had the pleasure of meeting E.K. Johnston! I read her retelling of 1001 nights called, A Thousand Nights and I cannot wait to dive into more of her work! Starting with Spindle! E.K. has also written other books/series including a contemporary and a special novel for the Star Wars fandom.

L.M. Montgomery

Author of the Canadian Classic Anne of Green Gables! Seriously people you need to read this! You will never regret meeting the kindred spirit who is Anne!

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Melanie J. Fishbane

Melanie wrote an amazing story about the teenage years of L.M. Montgomery. Maud is very fictional, but also very entertaining!

Moira Young

Moira Young’s Dust Lands trilogy was fantastic in my opinion. The way in which the story was written was very unique and the plot twists. The. Plot. Twists. She also has a middle grade out that I have yet to read but I am very attracted to because of the amazing cover!


Eve Silver

Eve Silver holds a special place in my heart as she was the first ever person I trusted with reading a piece of my writing. Like fictional writing! I have read the first book of her The Game trilogy so I am still looking to continue it!

Alyxandra Harvey

My first vampire book that I ever read was written by this women and set in a Quebec city I believe! The Drake Chronicles was very trashy but in a good way and to this day I still think about it so yeah…!

Eric Walters

Say You Will was one of the cutest stories I read last year! I need to dive into more of his work! He has a ton of books out so…I have to put on my game face!

Amanda Sun

I read Amanda Sun’s Heir to the Sky last summer which had a very interesting concept! I have yet to read her other series, but the covers are gorgeous!

Canadian Authors I Have Yet To Read From

Megan Crewe

Megan Crewe has several series out that I have been meaning to get to! I think her Earth & Sky series appeals to me the most!

Earth & Sky (Earth & Sky, #1)

Kelley Armstrong

I actually own Sea of Shadows (as it was given to me by my library!) I haven’t read it yet but the fantasy series does sound very intriguing! Kelley also writes thrillers if you are interested in that!

Sea of Shadows (Age of Legends, #1)

Lesley Livingston

The Valiant was one of my most anticipated reads this year! I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy. I mean FEMALE GLADIATORS!

The Valiant (The Valiant, #1)

Erin Bow

I have the ARC to Swan Riders in my home, but shamefully I haven’t even read the first book The Scorpion Rules yet! I will though! I will!

The Scorpion Rules (Prisoners of Peace, #1)

S.K. Ali

Saints & Misfits has been making a lot of buzz since it was released! I cannot wait to dive into it!

Saints and Misfits

Sarah Raughley

Her debut Fate of Flames was pitched as Sailor Moon meets the Avengers. YES.

Fate of Flames (Effigies, #1)

Kenneth Oppel

Every Hidden Thing sounds so epically cute! I have to jump on this book! It is, however, a Romeo & Juliet retelling so things might not end well! Or maybe they will?

Every Hidden Thing

Deborah Ellis

Her novel The Breadwinner about the Taliban rise in Afghanistan is becoming an animated film! Watch the trailer then read the book in preparation for the movie!

Alwyn Hamilton

Now, Alwyn lives in the U.K. BUT she was born in Toronto so she is totally Canadian! Her novel Rebel of the Sands has gotten a lot of hype and I finally have my copy so I cannot wait to read it!

Rebel of the Sands (Rebel of the Sands, #1)

Kristen Ciccarelli

TALK ABOUT ANTICIPATED READ! Her novel The Last Namsara sounds so epic I want to read it now!!!!!!!!!

The Last Namsara (Iskari #1)

Heather Fawcett

TALK ABOUT ANOTHER ANTICIPATED READ! Her debut Even The Darkest of Stars sounds freaking amazing! I want to get my hands on it so bad!!

Even the Darkest Stars (Even the Darkest Stars #1)

L.E sterling

I have seen her novel True Born in various cases across the internet and I am very intrigued by this dystopian/sci-fi tale!

True Born (True Born Trilogy, #1)

Danielle L. Jensen

Her Malediction Trilogy has been catching my eye as of late, I need to read this series. It is a need. A. NEED.

Stolen Songbird (The Malediction Trilogy, #1)

G.S. Prendergast


Zero Repeat Forever (The Nahx Invasions #1)


Elly Blake

Her debut novel Frostblood has been out for a while and I was lucky enough to win a signed copy! I will most definitely be getting to this book soon. It’s been getting quite a lot of buzz lately!

Frostblood (Frostblood Saga, #1)

My Top Read Canadian Author

Morgan Rhodes


I got to give to Morgan Rhodes! She writes awesome books and she is such a lovely and funny person in real life! Plus she actually made me fall in love with a character after loathing him for three books! Now that is magic!



My Top To-Read Canadian Author

Kristen Ciccarelli!!! I’m serious, The Last Namsara sounds like an epic fantasy and I cannot wait to get my hands on it!!! This has everything! Magic. Dragons. Dragon Slayers. Running away from a political marriage! Ancient stories! AND MAGIC!! Can someone please just hand this book over to me NOW! UGH October why are you so far away!

Kristen Ciccarelli

Just read the Goodreads synopsis!

In the beginning, there was the Namsara: the child of sky and spirit, who carried love and laughter wherever he went. But where there is light, there must be dark—and so there was also the Iskari. The child of blood and moonlight. The destroyer. The death bringer.

These are the legends that Asha, daughter of the king of Firgaard, has grown up hearing in hushed whispers, drawn to the forbidden figures of the past. But it isn’t until she becomes the fiercest, most feared dragon slayer in the land that she takes on the role of the next Iskari—a lonely destiny that leaves her feeling more like a weapon than a girl.

Asha conquers each dragon and brings its head to the king, but no kill can free her from the shackles that await at home: her betrothal to the cruel commandant, a man who holds the truth about her nature in his palm. When she’s offered the chance to gain her freedom in exchange for the life of the most powerful dragon in Firgaard, she finds that there may be more truth to the ancient stories than she ever could have expected. With the help of a secret friend—a slave boy from her betrothed’s household—Asha must shed the layers of her Iskari bondage and open her heart to love, light, and a truth that has been kept from her.

*images via Goodreads*

Time To Tally!

Alright so out of the 24 Canadian authors named, how many have you read from? How many are you looking froward to reading from? Comment below as I would love to know!

I know I am probably missing a lot of Canadian authors out there, but I only have so much time to write!

To have a much longer list of CAN authors visit this Goodreads page for a nice list!

CAN authors are out there guys! I hope as the years go by many more talented authors are published and that more stories about the diversity and history of Canada’s people are heard!

Happy Canada Day friends!

~ Rendz





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  1. YAY PATRIOTIC RENDZ! This post was so much fun!! I didn’t realize some of the authors on here were Canadian, but so much yay! 😀 S. K. Ali’s book was amazing, so I definitely think that you will enjoy it. I’ve…I won’t say how many how many authors I have read on here because it’s pathetic, but I totally know where to start when I’m upping my Canadian author game. Hope you enjoy the 150 year celebrations!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Canada Day! ❤ Thanks for reminding me how much I wish I could visit though 😭😭. Next year hopefully! ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve barely heard of these authors! I only know Morgan Rhodes, Alwyn Hamilton, and SK Ali. I knew about Frost Blood (which I’ve heard isn’t that good??? or maybe that was another book XD) but didn’t know the author. ALSO ARE YOU PROUD OF ME — I’M IN CANADA RN FOR VACATION AND I HAVE A CANADA 150 (temporary) TATTOO ON. 😝 (I swear there was a Canadian flag emoji but I can’t find it right now. 😭)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Rebel of the Sands is AWESOME. All these books sound very good, and it is great they are all Canadian authors. I live on the border of US and Canada and the state I live in has very similar weather to Canada so…..I can relate to Canadians!

    Liked by 1 person

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